Dymatize L-carnitine Xtreme 60cp

L-carnitine Xtreme 60cp
L-carnitine Xtreme 60cp

L-carnitine Xtreme 60cp

Retail Price: $17.99
Sale Price: $14.99

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SKU: 2060100

Product description:

Getting a ripped body takes more than just hard work. To get that lean sculpted look you need to take advantage of cutting edge supplements such as L-carnitine Xtreme by Dymatize. L-carnitine is an amino acid that has several overall health benefits. Its main benefit for bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts is its ability to turn fatty acids into energy. L-carnitine Xtreme acts as a transport as fatty acids are carried off into the mitochondria and turned into energy instead of accumulating on your waistline. ATP levels will also rise giving you much muscles much more stamina and energy to push out more reps and laps. ATP production levels deplete rapidly during exercise so a supplement that can increase ATP production is highly beneficial.

L-carnitine is found in animal products such as red meat. Many people who are on low fat diets restrict red meat so they do not get enough carnitine. Deficiency can lead to fatigue and underperformance during times of strenuous exercise. L-carnitine Xtreme by Dymatize is highly absorbable because of its liquid formulation and purity. Dymatize L-carnitine will enhance muscle growth and produce faster recovery times so you can work out harder and longer. No longer will plateaus hold you back because of fatigue and tiredness. You’ll be able to get leaner quicker than you ever thought.

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