MuscleTech Meso-Tech MRP Bar

Meso-Tech MRP Bar
Meso-Tech MRP Bar
Meso-Tech MRP Bar

Meso-Tech MRP Bar

Retail Price: $39.99
Sale Price: $35.99

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Product description:

Getting proper nutrition can be challenging amidst trying to balance the day to day grind of life. Muscletech is pleased to help you out in meeting your nutritional goals by offering you the Meso-tech MRP Bar. It’s not just another one of the so called protein bars that offer little protein and a ton of empty calories. It’s a full on meal replacement bar filled with the nutrition that will facilitate muscle growth, fat loss and a faster metabolism.

Each great tasting Meso-tech MRP Bar contains a nutritionally sound 320 calories, 25 grams of Muscletech MesoPro protein matrix, 8 grams of fat and 39 quality carbohydrates and 19 essential vitamins and nutrients. It’s the perfect meal wrapped up into a cost effective, convenient and great tasting bar.

The Meso-tech MRP Bar is versatile and can be enjoyed at any time of the day or night. It can be used as a post workout recovery bar or eaten at night to keep your body in an anabolic state. No matter the use it is sure to help you reach your fitness goals. Never again will you have to sabotage your diet again because of lack of time. Just rip open a Meso-tech MRP Bar and enjoy something that is actually good for you. Order your box today and you’ll have them talking in the gym by tomorrow.

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